Version 1.07 Released

Version 1.07 was released today. I’m pretty happy with the stability and functionality of the app at this point so I think I’m going to try and market it a bit more. I’ve made some social networking pages for the app and I’ve added links to the About screen as well as a direct link to rate or write a review for the app on the App Store. If you like the app be sure to like/follow/rate or review it to help get the word out and get more people using it.

This version features one fix and a few tweaks. First, the app would sometimes crash when adding a single new example to a new card and then trying to cycle through the examples during a study session. These crashes won’t happen anymore. I also messed around with how new cards are sorted. First of all, new cards will respect the total max number of cards set in the Settings app. Before, you would get the max total plus new cards which wasn’t really sensible. Also, new cards that have been swiped left as incorrect but not yet memorized will still count as new cards and will be presented in study sessions before completely untested cards. Additionally, cards will be sorted by difficulty and then randomized. This will ensure that you’re getting your most difficult cards even if you’ve limited the total number of cards you have per study session.

If any of that doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry about it. Most users probably won’t really notice the difference but I do think it’ll enhance how quickly and completely you can memorize kanji and words even if you have a limited amount of time to study each day.

Happy Studies!