Version 2.2.3 Released

  • Single kanji words in reading mode will not display examples automatically

This was causing jukugo to appear which I and some other users found annoying so I turned it off. You’ll have to add your own examples if you want to see them for single kanji words in lessons set to reading mode.

  • Added an option to complete a study session early and mark the lesson as study completed for the day

You could basically do this before as well but now you’ll actually get to see the little green circle on the Lessons List screen. The circles and triangles should appear more consistently now too.

  • Added an option to export the examples database for each card from the Edit view

Just in case you’d like to use them to make new cards in other lessons. Be careful though, if you try to export too many cards at once you’ll definitely cause the app to crash due to device memory constraints.

  • The status bar will now properly use white text

I guess a change in iOS 8 caused the status bar to start showing up in black. It should turn white after launching now.

That’s it for now. As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Happy studies!

Version 2.2.1 Released

This was actually out yesterday but I was a bit behind and didn’t have time to do the notes, sorry. Anyway:

  • Example sentences from

You can now access a database of example sentences right on the Examples view. Move them into your examples list with a single-tap if you want to view them on-card during study sessions. I only chose to import the smaller database with examples for common words to keep the size down. Also, this won’t show word examples for individual kanji. That would actually require a dictionary database which would probably be way too big so you’ll still need to go to imiwa? for words.

  • Easier importing with automatic duplicate checking

You no longer have to choose the type of import and dupe checking will occur immediately giving you the option to import everything or just the new stuff.

  • Tweaked imports from imiwa?’s Open In… feature
  • Tweaked new card sorting
  • Tweaked card resetting

The tweaks probably won’t be noticeable to most but they should make things a bit better.

  • Fixed Edit view searching
  • Fixed CSV exporting via e-mail
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause examples to show the wrong translation

Searching and CSV exporting were basically totally broken; they work now. The translation hint bug was only a bit annoying but shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

In the next version I’m going to see if I can get those examples from the database I added to optionally show up automatically if you haven’t added any of your own yet.

I’m also planning to try release some updated Youtube videos about how to use kanji Flow, Reviewing the Kanji, and imiwa? most efficiently.

Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see or if you notice any problems.

Happy studies!

Version 2.0.1 Released

Apple helped me out with an expedited review to fix the New Lesson bug in the last version. You can now create new lessons. I really appreciate everyone that got back to me quickly to let me know about the problem so I could get it fixed asap.

I also added in new card shuffling as requested by Mugen89k. You’ll get an alert when you open the new version to turn on the option if you so desire. The default behavior is to leave it off and I recommend that most users do leave it off so that you can edit your new cards in order during study sessions. You can change the option at any time via the Settings app.

I also tweaked card sorting so that cards always appear in order of creation on the Edit view. I think it was kind of silly and annoying for them to be shuffled there. Memorized cards will continue to be shuffled during study sessions unless you choose a different sorting option yourself.

As always, please let me know if you notice anything strange or would like me to add something to the next version of the app.

Happy Studies!

New Lesson Bug

Unfortunately, there’s a bug that prevents creating new lessons. I already put in an update to fix it.  It’ll be out as soon as Apple gets around to it.

Until then, if you really need a new lesson you can copy a lesson to your computer via iTunes. Make a copy of it with a new name and then copy that back to the app. You can then delete all the cards and rename it to whatever you want.


Version 1.1.1 Released

Version 1.1.1 was released today. It’s just a small update mostly to fix a bug but I did also add one small feature. I fixed a crash that would occur if you attempted to delete cards that had examples. I also added the ability to toggle an example’s hint (translation) from the Study Session long-press pop up menu. Tapping the left arrow on the menu will allow you to switch to the hint. This will allow you to have speech synthesis speak the hint just in case you’d like to do that for any reason.

Version 1.1.2 is also ready and currently waiting for review. This version adds an auto-sync option when starting study sessions. I’ll update again next week once it’s ready.

Happy Studies!

Version 1.07 Released

Version 1.07 was released today. I’m pretty happy with the stability and functionality of the app at this point so I think I’m going to try and market it a bit more. I’ve made some social networking pages for the app and I’ve added links to the About screen as well as a direct link to rate or write a review for the app on the App Store. If you like the app be sure to like/follow/rate or review it to help get the word out and get more people using it.

This version features one fix and a few tweaks. First, the app would sometimes crash when adding a single new example to a new card and then trying to cycle through the examples during a study session. These crashes won’t happen anymore. I also messed around with how new cards are sorted. First of all, new cards will respect the total max number of cards set in the Settings app. Before, you would get the max total plus new cards which wasn’t really sensible. Also, new cards that have been swiped left as incorrect but not yet memorized will still count as new cards and will be presented in study sessions before completely untested cards. Additionally, cards will be sorted by difficulty and then randomized. This will ensure that you’re getting your most difficult cards even if you’ve limited the total number of cards you have per study session.

If any of that doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry about it. Most users probably won’t really notice the difference but I do think it’ll enhance how quickly and completely you can memorize kanji and words even if you have a limited amount of time to study each day.

Happy Studies!